Read to Succeed

Between clients and the everyday responsibilities, it’s often hard to carve out time for yourself and professional development. This is something I struggle with all the time. It’s so much easier to say, “I’ll read that book later,” or “I’ll watch the webinar in the archives,” or “next year I’ll go to the tradeshow.” But guess what? If we’re not investing in ourselves and making time to feed our souls, we won’t have much to give to other people.

I recently made a personal goal to read one book a month. That may not seem like a big feat for avid readers, but for me it was a massive commitment. As a mom, wife, and full-time employee, it doesn’t seem like there’s much free time for leisure reading. But I’ve promised myself to make time for me. And what I found out was, it was extremely rewarding in several ways.

Next month I’m reading Success at Your Fingertips: How to Succeed in the Skin Care Business by Lydia Sarfati, the founder and president of Repêchage and the U.S. chair of CIDESCO. She’s a skin care legend and icon. I’m interested in learning her perspective on what it takes to build a profitable business. I am also intrigued by how she’s built her empire and her journey to become one of the most successful women in the skin care industry. If you’re interested in reading along, pick up your copy here and let us know in the comments. If there’s enough interest, we can start a book club.

Remember, the more you learn, the more you can earn. Knowledge is not only power—it’s also empowering. Feed your souls and let’s start turning pages!  

Happy reading,


Lauren Snow is a licensed esthetician and ASCP member.

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