Black Lives Matter We stand for a world in which Black people have social, economic, and political power to thrive
Ask Dr. Tessa: Pregnancy & Asthma “I am pregnant and also suffer from asthma. How does COVID affect those in my situation?”
PPE & Face Shields Discount ASCP members receive a 5% discount on Noel Asmar Uniforms elegant, stylish face shields
Ask Dr. Tessa: Counterfeit PPE “There seems to be a lot of counterfeit PPE... What should I look for when buying a mask online?”
Q&A with Daniela Woerner The owner of AddoAesthetics Accademy discusses the business of being an esthetician
Skin Challenge: Xanthelasma What is a xanthoma lesion and what causes it? Find out in this article by Mórag Currin here!
California COVID-19 Update Information regarding your California's back-to-practice permission date and safety guidelines
Skin Challenge: Urticaria & HAV Acute urticaria is commonly observed in people with viral infections, including HAV, HBV and HCV
ASCP Readers' Choice Awards 2020 Join us for our virtual edition of the ASCP Skin Deep Readers’ Choice Awards on June 25.