Esty Protocols: How to Treat Acne with Stem Cells

By NeoGenesis Education Team

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting millions of people around the globe. What we see on the surface of the skin is more than inflammation and irritation—it’s a combination of imbalanced bacteria and loss of self-esteem. Acne doesn’t just affect hormonal teenagers; it can plague the skin of people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and even 50s. Luckily, there is enough scientific research and new, healthy skin care solutions to help combat acne and its undesirable scarring.


Acne can be classified into three categories: inflamed, noninflamed, or a combination of both. Under these classifications, there are three subcategories that people may fall into: mild, moderate, and severe acne. We can all agree acne is not the same for everyone, and what works for one client may not work for the other. There are a variety of different types of acne, from pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads to pustules, cysts, and nodules. Identifying the category of acne a client has is pertinent to establishing a skin care treatment solution that works.

Acne is caused by an overproduction of sebum—an oil naturally designed and produced to protect the skin. The skin houses millions of tiny sebaceous glands that are connected to hair follicles all over the body. Sebum lives in these sebaceous glands that can sometimes produce too much oil. This is when things can get messy.

An overproduction of sebum leads to dead skin cells clogging pores, causing acne breakouts. But clogged pores aren’t the only factors that cause acne—hormone fluctuations and stress can also lead to a breakout. Stress causes a rise in cortisol that stimulates oil glands, resulting in overproduction of sebum.

Clogged pores can be caused by environmental impurities, irritation, and overly marketed cheap cleansers. Environmental pollution, dirt, and debris are everywhere. Dirty pillowcases, towels, makeup brushes, and overused face masks come into play as well. As skin professionals, it’s crucial that we take the time to educate our clients.


With a healthy, regimented skin care plan, acne can be effectively combated, and even eradicated. Contrary to popular belief, some of the best solutions are gentle (and backed by reliable science). Leading scientists have discovered the efficacy of stem cell released molecules in wound care, as well as acne and inflammation. This breakthrough in skin and hair care can support your clients’ concerns naturally—and without contraindications.

Skin care professionals have access to a variety of modalities to treat acne—and achieve superior results. Some skin modalities can be extremely abrasive, while others are gentle and need little downtime. Now, you can prepare and restore your clients’ skin naturally with stem cell technology, pre and/or post treatments. Any type of skin modality can be a shock to skin, meaning stem cell-released molecules in skin care will do the heavy lifting to help heal the skin’s barrier. Stem cell-released molecules residing on the skin can aid in reducing downtime and inflammation, while mitigating irritation when used as part of a treatment protocol with acne modalities.


When combined, skin modalities and the topical application of stem cell-released molecules produce healthy, soothing results—a breakthrough in acne treatment.

“Wounds, aging, and autoimmune conditions of the skin involve a disruption of skin homeostasis, especially a disruption of proteostasis,” says Greg Maguire, PhD. “In this study we used S²RM technology, a proprietary combination of stem cell-released molecules from multiple types of skin stem cells, to renormalize homeostasis of the skin, including a renormalization of proteostasis. Dramatic reductions in acne scarring, pain, redness, and inflammation, as well as more rapid and complete wound healing and an overall enhancement of the appearance of the skin, were achieved in a number of skin conditions. Prevention of radiation dermatitis was achieved by concurrent topical administration of S²RM during radiation treatment. The current study demonstrates that simple topical application of S²RM technology is a powerful means to renormalize homeostasis of the skin, and remediate and prevent a number of skin indications.”1

Neogenesis Professional Skin Care


A male client who struggles with acne shows before and after pictures from his stem cell acne treatment. As a skin care professional, you play a vital role in transforming not only your clients’ skin but also their self-esteem and quality of life. NeoGenesis’s professional partners have seen and experienced incredible results for their clients. These experts have documented case studies that prove the efficacy and validity of NeoGenesis stem cell science, coupled with the active ingredients in new acne products.

The new NeoGenesis Salicylic Acid Gel has been put to the test with one of our esteemed professional partners, Annkeit Ssharma at Shamin Skin Care. Ssharma created a skin care regimen for his client who had struggled with acne grades 2–3. He was able to achieve significant results in less than four months with topical application of new acne products layered with S²RM.

“This is strictly just using the products in the morning and evening. If you look at the overall tonality of his skin, you can see a huge improvement with the discoloration. The tonality of the skin looks a lot more even and bright, and there’s also a little bit of radiance—more of a healthy aspect to the overall skin tone.” —Annkeit Ssharma


Preparing the skin for effective treatment is key. Acneic skin typically has a masklike buildup that needs to be broken down so the anti-inflammatory, calming, and soothing properties of the NeoGenesis regimen will have a positive effect on the skin.

A male client with cystic acne sees incredible before and after results from his stem cell acne treatment. The bacteria may produce a biofilm composed of polysaccharides (a carbohydrate that consists of sugar molecules bonded together) and proteins, similar to a plastic protective covering, making the bacteria resistant to treatment. It will take time to gently remove this buildup, but our clients and case study participants have consistently said that it’s worth it.

Acneic skin may also be quite sensitive, which is where S²RM really shines. The NeoGenesis stem cell-released molecules deliver the full complement of nutrients the skin naturally produces to help keep the microbiome in check, which helps mitigate irritating side effects.

“This client has had issues with cystic acne for quite some time. He also works at a wood pulp mill and is often around chemicals in the air. Once he started on a regular skin care regimen using NeoGenesis products, his skin started to improve almost immediately. The redness started to subside, the flaky skin started to heal, and the itchiness is now gone.” — Becky Stratton, The Skin Studio

1. Greg Maguire, et al.,,“Physiological Renormalization of Skin in Traumatic, Irradiation, Autoimmune, and Aging Conditions Using S2RM Stem Cell Released Molecules Enhances Healing and Reduces Pain,” accessed March 2022,

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