Follow the Leaders: Face Reality

How has the Face Reality Acne Professional Program impacted your business? 

I’ve had the joy of having Face Reality Skincare in my business for four years, and there has yet to be another company that mirrors Face Reality’s educational, professional, and personal support and growth! When we graduate from esthetician school, we are taught the bare minimum to pass state boards—I knew the very basics about acne. I suffered from acne growing up, so my ultimate goal when becoming an esthetician was to help others going through what I went through. I never imagined the escalation that becoming a Certified Acne Expert would have on my business—I gained a niche and was able to hone my expertise to attract more clients while simultaneously expanding my knowledge on acne-prone skin. 


What is the most important thing Acne Experts can do for their acne clients? 

Listen—not only to the client but also to the client’s skin. Listen to their story about their acne; listen to their struggles; listen to their highs and lows. More often than not, our clients come to us exasperated and defeated by endless attempts at treating their acne to no avail. We’re their last resource to try and get the clarity they deserve. Face Reality provides us with the tools to treat acne and acne-prone skin, but we must still use our best professional judgment if something isn’t going to plan. Be willing to pivot and try something else if their skin isn’t responding like you thought! 


What is your favorite part about being an Acne Expert? 

While it’s hard to pick just one “favorite thing,” I have to say seeing the end results alongside my client. Those who haven’t experienced acne may not understand the emotional, physical, and mental toll it can have. Seeing the joy when my clients achieve their clear skin goals is something I’ll never grow tired of. 


What is your favorite Face Reality product and why? 

My favorite Face Reality product is the 8% L-Mandelic Serum (any percentage, for that matter!). L-Mandelic Serum, a.k.a. liquid gold in my opinion, is not only an exfoliating serum, but it also has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties and helps with hyperpigmentation—it covers so much ground in one little product! You don’t see it used often in other skin care lines, but it is a key ingredient in helping my clients clear their skin! 


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