New Florida Rules Affecting Estheticians

New Florida Rules Affecting Estheticians

The Florida Board of Cosmetology adopted new rules (page 10) effective October 20, 2021. There are modifications to definitions in Rule 61G5-18.00015, (FAC) as follows (modifications are underlined):

1(b) modifications clarify which services fall under bodily intrusion:

Bodily intrusion includes but is not limited to skin perforation by any means,
including the application
of permanent makeup, the use of laser and intense
pulsed light (IPL)
treatments, ultrasound and high intensity focused ultrasound
(HIFU) treatments
, radiation, plasma pen, Hyaluron pen, injections, and the use
of FDA approved medical devices, all of which are beyond the scope of a cosmetology
license and full and facial registrations.”

2(a) clarifies that microblading is beyond the scope of full or facial specialist registration:

Microblading is a form of semi-permanent tattooing that involves using
tiny, fine-point needles that make up a small disposable blade and handle
that deposit pigment simultaneously under your skin. Microblading is beyond
the scope of a Florida cosmetology license or full or facial specialist registration.”

2(b) regarding manual exfoliation identifies #10 dermablades and adds that all sharps must be disposed of in a biohazard sharps container.

2(g) states that makeup application does not require a cosmetology license or a full or facial registration.

2(i) defines microneedling and states it is beyond the scope of a licensed cosmetologist or registered full or facial specialist:

Microneedling or ‘collagen induction treatment or therapy’ is a procedure that
uses a multi-needled device to create microchannels in the skin 0.25 – 2.5 mm
deep to stimulate the body’s natural wound healing process while minimizing
cellular damage. This piercing of the skin is beyond the scope of a Florida licensed
cosmetologist or registered full or facial specialist.”

2(j) defines lash lifts or eyelash perms:

“Lash lift or eyelash perm is a treatment where chemical products are applied to natural lashes, lifting or curling the lashes to make them look longer and fuller. A tint is sometimes also applied. Florida licensed cosmetologists and full and facial specialists may provide lash lifting and perming services provided the chemical products used are a gel form of ammonium thioglycolate.”

Microblading and microneedling are considered forms of tattooing in the state of Florida and require licensure as a tattoo artist. As such, microblading and microneedling must occur in a licensed tattoo establishment. Find out how to apply for a tattoo license in Florida.