ASCP Supporting Membership

Looking to ASCP for support but don’t need liability insurance? ASCP Supporting membership is for you.

For $95 a year, you get access to select ASCP member benefits that will help you become the best esthetician you can be, including on-demand access to the ASCP video library.

ASCP Supporting membership is great for:

  • Retired estheticians or those taking a break from professional practice for reasons like maternity leave, health, or travel.
  • International estheticians who want to be affiliated with the leading skin care association in the United States, and receive high-quality online skin care education, but live outside the United States and do not qualify for our liability insurance.

Note: If you are an actively practicing esthetician in the United States, we encourage you to join ASCP at our full-service Professional level, where all of our benefits, including liability insurance, are available for $259 per year. Learn more about professional liability insurance at

For $95 in annual membership dues, ASCP Supporting members get:

  • Access to 100+ on-demand skin care videos from leaders in the profession, including archived presentations from the 2017, 2018, and 2019 ASCP Skin Care Summits.
  • The digital edition of ASCP Skin Deep magazine, as well as invites to new ASCP videos.
  • 50+ members-only discounts to save money on everything from cell phone service to skin care supplies.
  • The exceptional customer service and legislative support that ASCP provides.

ASCP Supporting membership does not include liability insurance, access to the ASCP website builder, or a print copy of ASCP Skin Deep magazine.

If you want to partner with ASCP but don’t need liability insurance, this is the option for you!

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