Legislative Updates

Update: Illinois Sexual Harassment CE Requirement for Massage

ABMP has clarification regarding the previous post on this topic. The sexual harassment prevention training can be completed in a classroom setting, by webinar, or online. This class needs to be completed prior to your next renewal. All massage therapy licenses are up for renewal by December 31, 2020, so the sexual harassment CE must be completed by your renewal.

New Illinois Continuing Education Requirement for Massage

Sexual harassment continuing education is now a requirement for massage therapists as a provision to license renewal, beginning January 1, 2020. 

The Illinois Division of Professional Regulation (IDFPR) passed a law in 2019 requiring anyone licensed by IDFPR, including licensed massage therapists, to complete a one-hour course in sexual harassment prevention training. Sexual harassment training will be required every renewal period. This email serves as a courtesy reminder to all ABMP members practicing in Illinois.

Colorado Draft Legislation Stakeholder Meeting

The Department of Higher Education and Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS) have drafted a bill that would authorize the Department to collect student cost and employment outcome information from higher education institutions not currently included in the Department's annual return on investment report. 

The bill draft was finalized January 27. They are having a stakeholder meeting on January 29, 2020. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to comment prior to the bill being filed. There will be opportunity to testify in hearings once it is filed. 

New Massage Therapy Rules in Florida

The Florida Board of Massage Therapy adopted four new rule changes effective December 2019 that primarily revise rules regarding massage establishments. This includes the new requirement to have a designated manager who is a licensed massage therapist to manage the day-to-day operations of the establishment. ABMP has summarized the changes below regarding massage therapy establishment definitions; licensure; change in location, business name, or designated establishment managers; and license transfers.
Definitions 26.001

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