ASCP Podcasts

ASCP Esty Talk Podcast

Produced by Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP), ASCP Esty Talk and The Rogue Pharmacist is specifically created for estheticians. Where no topic is off limits, we share all kinds of great information on this podcast from ingredients and the science of the skin, to business, and beauty diversity.  We hope you come away having learned more about your career, the industry, and maybe even life in general!

Think of our show as a conversation between friends—not too structured, not too formal—sometimes very serious, but always genuine and authentic.

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Ep 298 – The Devil Wears (Beef) Tallow

In this episode of ASCP Esty Talk, we take a close look at a growing controversial skin trend: beef tallow. Is it comedogenic? Is it good for the skin? Listen in and hear Ella and Maggie try to understand the hype of a beef fat facial crème.

Ep 296 – Cortisol Face

Have you or your clients noticed changes in their skin during stressful times? Social media has coined the term “Cortisol Face” to describe this phenomenon. Elevated cortisol levels can cause puffiness, acne, and even premature aging.

Ep 295 – The Business of Skin Care

Maggie and Ella break down the state of the profession, exploring job outlook, key stats about estheticians, and other important facts to help navigate the current landscape.

Ep 286 – Zombie Cells with Dr. Linder

Zombie cells, or senescent cells, are aging cells that have lost their ability to divide but don’t die off as they should. They can also secrete inflammatory factors that disrupt the skin’s overall health, contributing to aging and conditions like psoriasis or eczema.

Ep 285 – Biohacking for Better Skin

Biohacking, often associated with tech and lifestyle improvements, is making its mark in the world of skin care. But what exactly is biohacking, and how can it be applied to achieve glowing, healthier skin?

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